I have been on a health kick lately and much of that has to do with my weight loss. The more I lose, the more I want to get into better shape and improve my health for the long term. Since I have been shedding the pounds, I have been concentrating on changing my eating habits for the better, for myself and for my children.
Being healthy does not take a lot. Actually, with planning and initiative, it can be an easy task to live by. Here are five things you can do to get healthy now and improve your body for the long term:
- Stop smoking- If you are a smoker, you need to stop. I do not have to preach to you how harmful smoking is to your body and to others. No matter if you smoke a pack a day or two cigarettes a day, smoking is not good. Consult with your physician for medication that may be able to help you stop smoking.
- Say NO to soda- Soda is bad for you. There is no way to put it. This is coming from a soda head that drank a six pack of soda a day. Even diet soda which has artificial sweetener is not something you should drink all of the time. Drink water and juices made with real fruit and vegetables and limit your caffeine intake.
- Get active- Being active is the key to living a long and healthy life. Even if you just walk a few blocks a day or run several miles, you should be active everyday. Join a gym or get a workout partner to jog with you on a local high school track. Staying active and exercising is key to staying healthy and fit.
- No processed foods- I had no idea how much processed foods I ate until I began my new eating plan. Processed foods are filled with chemicals and ingredients that are not good for your body. Stick with lean meats, veggies, fruits and protein that are real and fresh, not processed. Your body will thank you!
- Be Your Own Chef- I love to eat out and most people do. But staying in and preparing your own food is best. Not only is it not as costly as eating out, but since you are preparing the meals, you know exactly what’s being used in the foods. Take out the grill or bake your items, and stay away from fried foods. Always choose lean meats and fresh foods.
These are all so true, but I’ve noticed that I struggle with sticking to these in an office environment, more than I did in college. Any suggestions on healthy lunches that can easily be prepared in an office kitchen?
Hey Ashlyn! Here is a blog post I wrote on YBPGuide.com that may help you. http://ybpguide.com/2010/07/16/friday-focus-7-ybp-tips-on-staying-healthy-active-in-an-office-environment/