The following blog post is a personal introspective from my weight loss files and I try to do better by my body as well as my soul by eating healthier and exercising. Each week I will discuss my roadblocks and setbacks, triumphs and breakthroughs, and other random items as it relates to reaching my overall weight loss goal.
Just when I thought that I was on my way to being slim and trim, the holiday season has reared its ugly head. Holidays in my family are all about noshing on rich food, sitting with food, talking with food. The holidays revolve around food. And not just ANY food, but food of the soul food variety. I am talking about some of the best food from the southern regions topped off with rich ingredients, no fillers, no fakes, the real deal. Lard, butter, cream, flour, starches. All of that ends up making my waist line look inflated as ever.
I have dieted before during the holiday season and it bummed me out. Watching as everyone stuff their faces without a care in the world made it more depressing than fun. I wanted to be able to enjoy the holidays and eat the wonderful spread that was prepared–instead, I ate veggies and drank water. I looked good but I felt miserable.
This year, I vow that I will give in to temptation ONLY for a little bit. I won’t deprive myself from tasting the wonderful treats placed before me BUT I will not go al out and eat until I can’t move. I think with moderation (and drinking several glasses of water before I eat) will allow me to enjoy the food during the holidays but not feel like I am being tortured.
So with that being said, here’s to the holiday season and not gaining any wait while we spend time with loved ones.
Here are a few mottos I will live by this holiday season in terms of my diet:
- I will not eat after 8 pm
- I will not eat after I have gotten full
- I will not drink any soda
- I will make sure to drink 8 glasses of water daily
- I will eat in moderation
- I will make sure to exercise at least 3 times a week
If you have any suggestions on how you maintain your weight during the holiday, please chime in and leave a comment below.
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