When it was announced last fall that Prince William and his steady, Kate Middleton were engaged, I must admit, I was a little excited. I don’t remember the nuptials exchanged by his mum, the late Princess Diana, and father Prince Charles, so this would be the epic wedding of my lifetime. But in just a few months, I have grown tired of hearing about every detail of the wedding. And with everything that is going on in the world, should we really care about the Royal Wedding?
I was a huge fan of Princess Diana. Amongst a royal family that never truly accepted her and a husband that spent their entire marriage lusting after another woman, Diana was someone who was a “royal” but seemed for the people. The monarchy and its stiffness didn’t taint her one bit, and when she was killed in a car accident in Paris in 1997, I wept as most of us viewed her funeral on live television. I had a vested interest in her two surviving sons, Prince William and Prince Harry—I knew she would be happy in heaven knowing they were happy and led lives that weren’t spectacles.
But they are the Princes of Windsor, so everything they do is looked at closely. Of course a wedding of the would be king is a major news story—but everywhere I turn, there are details and specials about the wedding—a wedding that hasn’t even happened yet. What will the bride wear, has she lost too much weight, who is invited, who is not, have they practiced their kiss? etc. etc.
Is it really that serious?
Add to that the announcement that the wedding will be broadcast all over the world (and here in the states at 4am), and all of this Royal Wedding boo-ha-ha is reaching a fever pitch. Will I be up at that time of morning to watch he wedding? Um, no.
The U.S. parted ways with Britain over their monarch rule and now we are being swept up into their fairy tale wedding—I am not going to fall for the banana in the tailpipe.
Do you really care about the Royal Wedding? Am I being a Debbie Downer? Should I be getting up at the crack of dawn to watch the nuptials live? What are your thoughts?
The media is covering it WAY too much here in the USA right now I think. They are making me annoyed with it all – I was going to post about this very thing on my blog today even. I’m happy for the couple and I’m sure I will catch some of the highlights of the wedding on the web, but I’m not waking up to watch it and I’m not into all these minute details they are reporting in the slightest.
Robyn, I totally agree. At first, I was enamored by the wedding and the love story but now, I quickly turn my TV anytime any coverage of the wedding comes on. I was even planning to attend a local event here that was celebrating the wedding but now I am over it. LOL.
I was a teenager when Princess Di married Charles and it was a different time back then. The constant scrutiny of a famous person to maniacal proportions actually started with Di. Media coverage always focuses on the famous, (from what my grandmom had told me, they covered Charles mother the same way, but in print). But for most people, being able to see a wedding in real time, while it was actually going on, at the height of the excess of the money, power hungry ’80’s….The “Dynasty” era was the icing on the cake. The Royals were EVERYWHERE, and we all had to see her gown and who would be on the list. After that, the madness of the paparazzi was evident. The followed her every move. In a way, Diana ushered the public fascination of a celebrity into the universe. And even though their presence cost her her life, (to the point that George Clooney spoke out on their intrusion in regards to privacy), it has gotten worse. Add that to Twitter coverage, it’s overkill. The attention of the public goes somewhere else by the next day.
Nowadays, it’s no big deal, celebrity is the thing and we don’t focus on the power of the Royals. Let’s put it this way: if WIlliam and Kate were to get married around the same time as Jay and Beyonce or Brad and Angelina…who do you think the media would pay more attention to?
I’m celebrity’d out. I’ll pass. Besides, nothing can replace the thrill of watching it when his mom got married. Bless her soul.
Moni, I am in agreement. Diana was everything to me. And I wish her children well. I still go back and forth as to if I am going to get up in the wee hours of the morning to watch. The blogger part of me feels I need to, but my personal part says child, please. LOL.
I hope the two will be happy, I don’t wish them any wrong, but I think it is all too much pomp for my liking. Most people’s weddings go by with little notice except from family and friends. I don’t know either the couple so why should I care? I get up early every day, but I am afraid the TV goes to the Weather Channel and not to a royal wedding. We in the US don’t much go to extremes like that unless we are very wealthy. Perhaps that is what has turned me off. All those diamonds and cash in one place? Not my idea of a rip-roaring party.
Bertie, I wish them well too but I don’t know. I can see why it’s a huge deal in Britain but people here in the U.S. are really doing too much when covering the wedding. I love fairy tales, but in this economy and the present state of the world, it seems like there are much more pressing issues.
In a word NO…don’t care in the slightest. I’ll be watching DVR’d shows or outside enjoying the sun until next week.
I wouldn’t mind watching it. I loved who Princess Diana was. I cried when she died and they showed her funeral.
I would watch the wedding if I was channel surfing, which I don’t watch much TV, so there’s not much chance of that happening. But I don’t really care about it. Would watch, just to watch, but don’t really care.
The world is awaiting for Royal wedding after so many years a marriage is in the royal family i hope both of them will live happily life along together with some one or two children so let us wish they will be the best couple of the world for the year of 2011 after this wedding she will also prove herself a kind hearted woman as like as Princes Diana and also participate in so many social activities.
I’m definitely in the minority because I JUST LOVE IT! Every little bit of coverage there is, I’m eating it up. I’ll have my DVR set to record all day on Friday so I don’t miss anything. For me personally? I like that there is pomp, circumstance and tradition. I love the mystique and reverance that the Brits give to the Royal Family. And most of all, I like the innocence and wonder that accompanies a fairy tale wedding. The idea of a the prince and princess getting married and living happily ever after reminds me of being a kid and reading fairy tales. #superexcited
I am a bit tired of all the news coverage as well. With that said, I do love weddings, and I will definitely watch recaps of the royal wedding to see the dress and some of the pomp and circumstance.
Nope, dun care, never will. What impact will it have on my quality of life? None whatsoever. I’ll continue worrying about what really matters: Health, Relationships, and Quitting the Rat Race ^_^
I am totally LOVING the wedding hoopla. I have been watching the specials all week long, and I’ll watch the ceremony tomorrow. If I were British, perhaps I’d be annoyed by the taxpayer’s cost of financing the wedding. But, as an American, I’ll sit back and enjoy the pomp and circumstance, knowing it’s not on my dime!
I could really give a damn about these folks! Not hate on them but why does it have to comsume our media? Do we care about a tradition that is old as hell and on the backs of others?