I love me some Jennifer Hudson. Most of you know that.
During last night’s X Factor finale, Weight Watchers premiered a new commercial with Jennifer Hudson—showcasing her “old” self with her new, slimmer self. Weight Watchers took footage of her singing during her stint on American Idol in 2004 and featured her singing next to her new self, complete with the weight loss and fabulous dress.
I think the commercial received more of a buzz than the actual X Factor finale did.
that is the most awful commercial I’ve ever heard. I think I’d rather listen to cat’s mating than that I believe mess…. that is horrible.
I get what they were TRYING to do with that commercial, but um, yeah, they missed the mark. #fail
That commercial was a big fail! First of all, I’m over Ms. Hudson and Weight Watchers and the promotion there of. But the commercial itself was terrible. Like…who looks at that commercial and says “ooh! I want to go from being overweight and tacky in a pink outfit, to skinny and muscular in a fitted dress?” yeah. #fail
This commercial has been the bane of my existence the last few days as it is in HEAVY rotation here in Chicago. I have never seen such a low budget commercial in my life. This looks like a CAN Access advertisement. I would assume Weight Watchers has a pretty decent budget for ads and such – so what is this poorly spliced together foolishness??? And why is her singing so loud & off key??? If WW was so bent on doing this type of mixing the old with the new, perhaps they should have consulted with the team who produced the latest J’Adore commercial. Now that was EPIC!
Okay, let me take a step back… *sigh* I never thought Jennifer Hudson was fat, in my opinion she was a curvy girl and there is nothing wrong with a girl with curves. Now Mo’Nique is fat. Gabby Sidibe is fat. Sidebar – they both need to call WW.
Anywho, JHud was not fat and I do not understand why she chose to drop so much weight. She really does not look right as a size 2. In my opinion, her stature requires a few pounds. I am so over her WW journey. The songs are awful. The commercials are a mess. She needs to take some of that money and put it towards some of the A-list hit makers so she can create a hot CD for once in her career. And speak of the devil, that darn commercial just came on. Pardon me, I’m going to stick my head in the oven. Goodbye world…
Something about that commercial creeped me out!! I just didn’t like the production behind it. I say weight warbirds dropped the ball on this one. At work today folks were discussing it, and later today my 20 yr old daughter even texted to ask me if I’d seen the commercial.. I love JHud, but Ewwww, I despise that commercial. Sorry weight warbirds people.
Wow… I am surprised by all the negativity about this commercial. I think she looks absolutely beautiful. Sure, she is thin, but she is still curvy. If she had burst onto the scene at that weight, no one would be saying that she is too thin. I think she’s awesome…and I love Weight Wathchers!
what is the name of lip stick in the last add she is wearing blaco outfit
I love the black shirt/vest/jacket Jennifer is wearing in the weight watchers commercial. Does anyone know where one like it could be purchased?
horrible commercial… I have tossed my JH CD and blocked the TV channel that plays it over and over again. To me she has permanently damaged her career.