It is that time of the year where we all look back on 2010 with fondness. We also remember all of the craziness that ensued in television, music, film, and in the media. So I thought it would be a good idea to hold my first ever Cubicle Chick Year End Awards, in which my readers could nominate their favorites in specialized categories.
So here’s the deal. Simply fill out the form below and nominate your faves for the category(ies) of your choosing. You do not have to vote on each category—just select the ones that you want to nominate and enter in a name. At the end of the nomination session, I will list the top 3 choices in each category and you guys will be able to select your favorites!
It’s that easy.
You can place your nominations until 12/24/2010 at midnight. Make sure to share the link with friends so that they can vote too!
[contact-form 3 “2010 Annual Cubicle Chick Year End Awards”]
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