If I could count the number of times I’ve been asked that question after revealing that I am the mother of a six and a sixteen year old, it would make me a numerical genius. It’s as if people look at me and assume that I couldn’t possibly have a child that old or feel that I don’t look old enough to have an almost grown child, which of course is furthest from the truth. I am proud to be a mother of a handsome teenaged son and an even more adorable six year old daughter, but I do get tired of that same old question… “so you have a sixteen year old?”
No, I didn’t have my son when I was 12. I was 18, out of high school (I graduated when I was 17), and was in college. Yes, I was very young to have a child but I was a legal adult. And everyday I am thankful that I made the choice to have my son. For me, there was no other option. Now that I am approaching 35 and my son is towering over me with his facial hair and large feet, many assume he is my brother or relative and not my son. I owe this of course to good genes, but do not get it twisted. I am a proud mother who doesn’t hide her age. I love being 34 and putting some youngins to shame. And the part I love most about it all is at 36, my son will be grown and in college and I am still young enough to enjoy it all.
I am not a proponent of having children at 18, however. If either one of my children were to have children at 18, I would probably have a coronary. But what I am saying is that you can have kids and still keep yourself up and still look good and still attract others. Having kids does not mean its the end of the world and you have to give up everything. I still have fun and travel and shop, and entertain, all in moderation.
So yes, I have a 16 year old and I am not ashamed of it one bit. My son, however, does not like the looks I sometimes get when we are out and about but he has gotten used to it.
Almost 35…
Can anyone relate?
I can definitely relate and just like you my kids are also 10 yrs a part! My daughter will be 14 this summer & my son is 4. I was also 18 when I had her, out of high school & in college. There is no way in God's green earth that I could have had them both later in life. Now I feel like I can sit back, be a great mom, and watch them grow up into the great people they already are. And like u I also get crazy looks about whether I'm her mom. Oh well…I'd much rather be the young mom at school than some of the parents I see.
Wow, we have a lot in common! I love where I am in life. If I had to have a baby now, I would freak out. We are still young and we've given the world our gifts so now we can spread our wings!
Same here. Check ebony waters, that's me on facebook! I am also 34 with twin sons that tower over me! They are also 16! But my youngest is 3. They are 6'1 and 6'2 in a size 16 shoe!!! I love it! I feel like I'm walking around with bodygaurds! I cought myself yelling at one of them and fell out laughing when I realized for the first time just how far back I have to tilt my head to look up at him, hand on hip and finger wagging!! Lol! I don't mind the questions like is that your girlfriend? When I'm with one of my twins and my 3 year old, people think we're a couple! The kids hate it! I tell them to thank the Lord and hope they stay as handsome as they are for as long as they can!
When I'm 34, I'll have a 17 year old. And a 15 year old. And a 14 year old. And an 11 year old. And a 9 year old. LOL So, I'm sure I'll get worse stares haha!!! Shoot, I already do as a 27 year old with 5 kids that were born within an 8-year time span. The question that bugs me the most is, "Are they all YOURS?" Um, they all look JUST alike. Could they be anything but siblings? I always want to be REALLY sarcastic and say YEAHHHH AND THEY'RE ALL ALSO MY HUSBANDS! *GASP* lol We're lucky to have had our kids young. When they're able to be independent, we'll still be young enough to enjoy life! I call that a plus 🙂 You look fabulous… as irritating as it may get sometimes, I'd take it as a compliment!
Yes, you've got an army with you! LOL. But I appreciate the comment and the fact that you pointed out some really good positives. We will still have time (God willing) age wise in order to enjoy our lives once our kids are grown. LOVE IT!