I am an event planner by nature, and I am always trying to think of new ways to link and network with people. These last few weeks, I began brainstorming about ways in which I can network more in my own backyard as well as grow and enhance my relationships with other bloggers and social networkers and social media types here in St. Louis.
And then it hit me.
Most of the the wonderful opportunities that I have had great networking experiences were at out-of-town jaunts to conferences such as Blogging While Brown. I love to travel, but it would be nice to have an event which focused on blogging and taking it to the next level in my own city. One that is not expensive, full of topics and panels that will help me and my blog, and of course, a stellar forum for networking and building new relationships.
I could organize, develop, and coordinate a conference here in St. Louis that people could afford to attend.
So that is how Show Me the Blog STL was born.
Show Me the Blog will serve as a daylong interactive blogging and social media conference for and by St. Louis/Metro East bloggers and new media enthusiasts.
It will be held on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at Spazio Conference and Banquet Center in Westport/St. Louis.
A website will be launched with full details on August 1st. In the meantime, please bookmark http://www.showmetheblog.com.
You can also follow the conference Twitter account at @ShowMeBlogSTL.
Early bird registration begins on August 1st and will be $40.00. Cost includes conference, lunch, and materials.
I hope that my local readers (and out of town ones!) who also blog and social network will attend the conference. I am planning on having several speakers and panelist discussions by seasoned professionals as well as hobby bloggers.
If you would like to pitch your panel ideas and speaker suggestions to the Show Me the Blog Conference Committee, please send an email to: info@showmetheblog.com
Stay tuned to my blog as well as the official conference site for up-to-date news about the conference speakers, panels, and more!
I hope you will support Show Me the Blog—Learn, grow, & connect!
msysspinks says
I'll be there sistah! Oh make sure you get me a badge to put on my sites.
The Cubicle Chick says
I sure will. The badge will be designed when the site is officially unveiled. I also want you to help me as conference helper if you plan on attending. 🙂
Stefany @ ToBeThode says
This sounds like fun! I hope I can attend. 🙂
The Cubicle Chick says
I hope you can attend as well. The conference will be a great networking opportunity PLUS we will have panelists and speakers that will be beneficial to all who blog and enjoy social media. 🙂
Patrick says
Congrats on the conference! Best of luck with it!