During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s important to stay focused while at work.
November and December can be two of the toughest months to stay focused during work. With the holiday season in full force as well as days off during the week due to Thanksgiving and Christmas, it can be difficult to keep everything together personal wise while working. When I was working full-time in the office, I saw my productivity go by the wayside during November and December. Simply put, I was trying to keep my head in the game while organizing holiday functions and events. And add to that having two kids who often had Christmas plays and concerts during the week, and it can really wreck havoc on your schedule.
Thanksgiving is usually the first hurdle to go through since it falls on a Thursday. Depending on your office, you may be off the day before Thanksgiving or the day after. Sometimes having several days off during the week when working with others can cause the workload to pile up.
Here are 4 tips to help keep you focused and productive throughout the holiday season:
1. Stick to a schedule: Stick to your daily schedule, despite any plans that occur after hours. Keeping on schedule makes you more productive and more likely to avoid getting into a holiday slump.
2. Breaks and lunches: If you need to plan holiday get togethers that are personal in nature, stick to your lunch and breaks to do so. Keeping your business and personal separate is the number one key to staying productive in the office all year around.
3. Take off: Many of us hate to take off especially during the holiday season, but if your head isn’t in it, then why be there? Take some personal or vacation time off (if you have it available) and use that to focus on your needs outside of work. That is what they are for! Then return back to the workplace better than ever.
4. Be human: Try to find a partner at work to share or trade duties when needed. Job sharing is a great way to continue to be productive during a busy time for everyone. If you aren’t sure how to go about job sharing, speak to your manager of HR manager, and they should be able to devise a plan for your area or department.
Whether you are a Cubicle Chick or Dude, your employment is most important. Utilizing these tips can help you get through the holiday craziness.
What are your tips for staying productive at work during the holiday season?
Aisha G(of Hartlyn Kids) says
But wait… I’m being unproductive right now because I’m sitting here reading this blog. Ugh.