2013 is almost in the can!
We now find ourselves at the end of another year, looking back on the things we did right and the things we did wrong. In terms of career, many of us put forth goals that were important for us to achieve. But following a game plan isn’t always easy, and as things happen, a change of course may be needed. Last year, I posted this Career Assessment and Evaluation (below), and asked you to answer the questions truthfully and honestly. Doing the assessment may have shed new light on where you wanted to go career-wise, and helps when you are mapping and charting your career goals.
I, too, did the assessment, and I can say that it showed me on paper once again that I am moving in the right direction. And while I am not yet where I want to be, I am much farther than I was before. Doing the assessment made me realize that as an entrepreneur, it is still important to effective gauge my career goals.
So, it’s that time once again to complete my 2013 Career Assessment and Evaluation. If you did it last year, do it again, and see if you are going in the right direction. If you have never done one, this is a perfect time to start. This can help you step up your game in regards to your career and take you to the next level. We should all be able to honestly reflect on our jobs and careers, and going into a new year, this is a good time as any.
Here’s my 2013 Career Assessment and Evaluation. In order to better understand where you are going in terms of your career, you must answer these questions:
- Am I happy with my career?
- Am I professionally where I planned to be this time last year?
- Does my career or profession give me enjoyment and fulfillment?
- Does my career allow me to take care of all of my responsibilities financially?
- Am I stuck in a career rut?
- 10 years from now, do I want to be doing what I am doing now? If not, what is it I want to do? What steps do I need to take to begin transitioning?
- Am I being compensated adequately for my work?
- Do I like working with my colleagues or coworkers?
- Do I fit into and understand the company’s culture?
- Am I working for the company I want to retire with?
- If I wasn’t working at _________, what would I be doing? Where would I be?
- Does my career bring me stress?
- Does my career allow me personal time and a life outside of work?
- Do I feel positively challenged in my career?
- Do I know what my career goals are for the next year? If so, what?
- What goals did I not reach this year professionally that I wanted to reach?
- Do I have a good working relationship with my peers and boss?
- Do I like the career field that I am in?
Answering these questions honestly can help you focus on your goals and your next plan of action. Your answers will reveal a lot about you, even if the questions look simple enough. In those answers, you may find that your career is giving you more fulfillment than you thought. Or, you may find that there are some changes that you may need to make professionally to give you joy.
2014 is almost upon us. Are you experiencing a fulfilling career?
I’ve been doing a ton of reflection on 2013 and where I want to be for 2014.
I’m going to spend the next week writing some goals and action items.