It would be so nice if I could go out and get the latest Apple release or smartphone whenever it came out. But in reality, just because you have the funds doesn’t mean you should spend it. Are you going for broke for the latest technology, only to not get a real return on your investment?
Who’s Fab: Study Says Mac Users Are More Fashionable Than PC Users
In a world where Mac reigns supreme, a recent study indicates that Mac users are more fashionable than PC users. Is this all a bunch of fluff or is there real science behind the numbers?
This Unadulterated PC Chick Now Has a Macbook Pro
I guess I am finally a part of the “cool” crowd, but don’t worry—I am still the against the grain femme fetale who hasn’t drank ALL of the Apple Kool-Aid yet. When and if you see me with an iPhone, then you know I am a goner!
Cubicle Giveaway: New ChicaPC-Shield 2011
With the Internet being used more and more in our daily lives, scammers and other undesireables have made it a playground to steal your information and make your online experience a hassle.
5 Technology Gadgets That Changed My Life By @LeReg
Written By Guest Blogger, Tech Guru, Reggie Levine From the time that I could read, I have loved technology. I remember playing with cool toys like my Speak and Spell and my Electronics set. I enjoyed tinkering with broken things…
Technology Overload
We are all a victim. Looking at our BlackBerry or iPhone every five minutes to check for emails, texts, and other communication, firing up our laptops everywhere we go, DVR’ing our favorite programs and watching them at our leisure, counting…