This is not a fashion blog and I do not claim to be a melanin enhanced version of Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City, but I do appreciate a good look, well made clothing, and invaluable style.
While walking around my city today, I saw many fashion faux pas which were frightening and disrespectful to fashion lovers everywhere. Based on my observances of today’s poor clothing and accessory choices and to rid ourselves of trends that need to come to an end, I compiled a list of my top 5 fashion trends that need to go away.
- Liquid Leggings- I know guys love these leggings which can be unforgivable to those with cottage cheese thighs, and enhance the bootay area. But simply put, liquid leggings have overstayed their welcome. In 2007 and 2008, this trend hopped on the scene to much fanfare and I even have a few pair myself but I will not wear them anymore. Can we all just say no to liquid leggings?
- Logo Enhanced Handbags- Other than Louis Vuitton, logo handbags are not cute. They are ostentacious and cheap looking in my opinion, and because they are usually less expensive than its non logo counterparts, everyone and their mother seem to have one. I am a sucker for a great butter leather Coach bag just like anyone else, but the logo enhanced bags make me quiver. My collection of said bags are resting safely in my closet, I would not dare to wear them now. They will be on eBay soon!
- Athletic Shoes w/ Heels- Tennis shoes are supposed to be just that. Tennis shoes. Those with a heel are just plain ugly and wrong on so many levels. I saw a girl today almost twist her neck wearing a pair of Air Force Ones with an unfortunate heel. Ladies, this trend is not cute so please, abort!
- Jellies- Jellies were cute when I was eight years old, but no grown person in their right mind should wear jellies. Not only are they immature looking, but have no support whatsoever for your feet. if you have a pair of jellies and wear them, please throw them away!
- All Black Everything- ABE looks great during the winter time, but in the spring and summer months, it is time to lighten things up. Simply put, ABE looks off season if you are rocking it now. Spruce up your wardrobe with some color and dare to stick out be different. Try some pastels or bright colors to liven things up and save the All Black Everything look for the colder months.
(Honorable mention- signature logo tees with House of Dereon, G-Unit, Baby Phat or the like printed across them. Leave those to the teens.)
I could go on and on but I wanted to shorten my list and make it quick entertaining read. Do you know of any current fashion trends that you would like to see go away for good? Sound off below!
Can you also make LEGGINGS worn alone as bottoms go AWAY! Especially in the workplace. No matter how nice (you may think) your body is, its just WRONG!!! Cute for aerobics or even weekend errands if done tastefully, but otherwise its just kinda tacky.
Agreed. Some body types, shapes look horrid when leggings are worn as pants.
I just came across this website even those some of these trends are no more. I agree with leggings/jeggings. They are not fat friendly, so if you dont wear them or some type of skinny trousers you are so last season! lol
god I hope they go out of fashion soon!