The feels like temperature in St. Louis today reached an epic one hundred and six degrees and my air is not working in my truck! Womp womp! Last night, I spent time bonding with my 16 year old. After being away from the six year old for two days and spending last weekend away from her, I decided that we would have a fun day around St. Louis doing some fun stuff. I wasn’t going to let the hot weather deter us from having a good time. We hadn’t been to the St. Louis Science Center since she was two, and I knew that she would thoroughly enjoy herself now that she is older.
We had a great time at the St. Louis Science Center exploring and looking at new things. My daughter especially liked the Charles Darwin exhibit and the digital Internet area where she could interact with technology. The dinosaurs also got a lot of her attention as she pointed out a few of the ones she knew by name.
We also were able to make another bear for her at the Science Center’s Build a Bear Build a Dino store. I am sure you guys are tired of hearing about Build a Bear, but they have been so good to me and my family. And thanks to them and the gift card I received at the branding event, Laylah was able to make another animal for her collection. This time, she made ‘Starfire’, a pony with gold embellishments.
After we played at the Science Center, we went to midtown and ate at Fountain on Locust, a contemporary twist on an old school soda fountain. Let me tell you that the food was excellent, but even more, the decor and wall murals were breathtaking. No wonder! The Fountain on Locust boasts that it is the most photographed restaurant in St. Louis! I now know why!
Here are a few photos of our Weekend Wonderful(s)!:
We all enjoyed ourselves and once we got back home, I was completely exhausted. Weekend Wonderfuls are best when I spend it with my family! What did you do this weekend?
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