Whenever two or more people gather, it can become clique-ish.
I am not a newbie to the internet, for I’ve been online in chat rooms, communities, and social networks since 1998 (check my repertoire!). I have seen a lot of internet drama go down in terms of women being abrasive, harsh, mean, vindictive, and cruel online. I call this theory, the ‘Mean Girls’ theory—most of you know the movie starring Lindsay Lohan in which we saw what really happens when girls exert their power in high school. It was a funny, campy flick, but it can get real in the field when immature women begin to bicker and fight online like teenagers.
In the woman blogger realm, whether it be mommy bloggers, etc., it can become quite clique-ish. Add online communities to the mix and sometimes, it’s a recipe for disaster. I witnessed myself many instances in one online community where women were going at it on a daily basis in order to either make themselves feel better or massage their egos. Whatever the case, I quickly exited the group because although I love me some drama on television, I am not a drama queen when it comes to my real life. I prefer peace with two dashes of fun and a drop of fab for good measure.
A friend of mine (who is probably going to kill me after this) just had a horrible run in the other day on a very popular community of women where she was ambushed by others for stating her beliefs when it came to being pro-choice. It got pretty messy, as women in the community said they were going to contact the sponsors of her blog to let them know she believed in abortion. It got pretty ugly :(.
This is a type of situation that could result in a blackball of her blog because they no longer “like” her or what her opinion is. She has already had to IP block several comments on her blog that was malicious and cruel. I am not sure how long she will have to deal with this issue, but with the blog bringing in additional income for her, the ‘Mean Girl’ mentality is now infringing on her paper chase.
‘Mean Girls’ don’t just reside in high school hallways. They are everywhere, and especially on the internet, where people can often hide behind their computer screens and dish it out, but often can’t take it. It’s on Twitter, Facebook, blog comments, hell everywhere. It’s a growing epidemic I tell ya, and I want no part of it.
I wish women would grow up and respect others choices and opinions. Not everyone will agree with you, but getting salty about it doesn’t help the problem.
The mob mentality does exist online. I just say no.
What are your thoughts? Have you had a run in with some ‘Mean Girls’ online? Do you have a story about The Plastics? Comment below!
So true. Funny thing is that for me, just as in high school, I pay the mean girls no nevermind. I delete, unfollow and block all haters.
I think it’s a mixture of egos, jealousy and fear that is VERY prevalent am
If your blog is good people will read it.
@Monica, very well said. No one is losing sleep over these Mean Girls, but my opinion is behind the computer screen, they can e-thug. In person, it’s a different story. It’s a shame my friend had to go through that, but she isn’t stopping her blog or her beliefs. Onwards and upwards.
Lol.. you said, “salty”!! I’ve only seen that on Twitter up to this point!
Anyway, I think people feel like they can say and do anything, and that they’re anonymous, on the ‘Net. I think many don’t realize there are IP addresses that are stored, so they can be traced and identified, if/when necessary.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been attacked online. And you might remember my Twitter stalker! People are crazy, bored, and have nothing better to do.
Ppl SHOULD be able to disagree w/ out disrespect, but apparently some (too many) canNOT. It’s all just childish. If one person says something on Twitter, their entire “clique” then has to @ the other person. Really? Just… There are a group of Haiti “Humanitarians” like this. I spoke out about ppl using photos for personal gain & then was ambushed by 50+ year old men and women. REALLY?! Ppl like that need to log off of life.
Interesting… It’s surprises me (but then again it does not) that people will go through these lengths to sabotage someone they do not agree with.
I was a member of an online community and I was labeled the “mean girl.” Chicks would actually complain to the moderator about me, telling him they were leaving because of me…
Why do you ask? Solely because I voiced my opinion… one that was opposite of theirs. I soon learned that some people join online communities just to stir up the pot and cause drama…
I think it’s crazy to gang up on anyone (we are adults), and it’s just as crazy to undermine someone because they have an opinion of their own.
When will we learn to respectfully disagree?
Keli- people should be able to say their opinions without being attacked or ridiculed. But that is too much like right 🙁
I see the mean girls & the snobs allday long & I simply shake my head. I have not personally had any interactions with them but judging by their tweet I rather not. I don’t follow them to talk, I follow for information because one in particular gives a lot of good tips when she’s not in uber snob mode lol. It’s hilarious to see how clicky some are case & point there was an event recently & I was told that I was not invited because my 700 followers did not qualify me, you needed 2,000 then I looked at some of the attendees #’s & they had less/equal to me & less blog traffic. hilarious.
@Brandi- How about I think I know exactly of whom you speak of? LOL
Girl I wish they would. LOL!