Last night, all of Washington and most of Hollywood turned out to the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in D.C. If you saw it, you got to witness President Barack Obama finally poking a little fun at Donald Trump and his “birther” friends. Celebrities and politicians on both sides of the aisle joined the White House in honoring the press and correspondents that cover the Presidents and the goings on in Washington.
Check out these pictures of Kerry Washington, Scarlett Johanssen, Russell Simmons, and more during a cocktail reception following the dinner.
Tea Party wrangler Sarah Palin
NY Knicks star Carmelo Anthony and wife media mogul LaLa
Actress Scarlett Johanssen and actor Bradley Cooper
Actresses Amy Pohler and Rashida Jones
Political pundit Arianna Huffington
Russell Simmons and his date actress Mallika Sherawat
Husband and wife and ‘True Blood’ stars Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin
Photo credit: Wireimage/Getty Images
To view pictures of the actual dinner, click HERE.
I think Rashida Jones is soooo pretty & I sometimes wonder what ever happened to her sister she dropped of the map, you know the one who had tupac’s face tatted on her arm
Brandi, I believe you are speaking of Kidada, the one who was with Tupac in Vegas when he died. Some say they were engaged. It does seem as she has retreated into private life, as I haven’t seen her since the days when she used to hang out with Aaliyah before she passed. I thought she was getting into fashion with a new line, but haven’t heard much about it as of late.
I just want to know why Russell is allowed to wear adidas….come on dude smh