So much has been happening in my life the last few months. So many changes, so many doors opening, so much to be thankful for. All of my life, it seems that I have been sitting and waiting for that big moment where all of the earth’s answers are revealed to me and I would suddenly “get it”. Well let me tell you this—when you are searching for something, you are sure to never find it. But when you aren’t looking, sometimes, POOF. The answer is there right in front of you.
A friend of mine recently gave me a golden nugget that has been in my mindframe since he uttered the words. He told me that I had been planting good seeds in bad soil. The decisions that I was making and the relationships I was cultivating was causing me some displeasure and hardship. I was trying to cultivate a relationship with someone that wasn’t fruitful—I was planting and sowing and trying to grow something when in actuality, nothing would ever grow because it was bad soil. I backed away and never looked back.
Since that time, I’ve been getting myself in order spiritually. I don’t discuss religion on this blog because it has not served as a platform for that, but I have gotten back into my faith and into my church home and I’ve noticed since doing so, revelations have begun to appear in my life. It took me 36 years, but I finally get it. I finally understand myself, my purpose, and the direction in which I am headed. I understand that what I put into people should be reciprocated. And if not, then I need to realize it and move on.
I also learned that there is power in forgiveness, and before moving on, I need to truly forgive.
I am in a great zone and feel like there is no limit to what I can do and what I can achieve. I am just scratching the surface of my potential and my talents. To not fully tap into them would be a waste.
I am getting my mind right, my body right, and my soul right. Along with my personal rebirth comes new outlook. I need to treat my body better if I want to be around for a long time. I can be both fabulous as well as fit and a good role model to my children. So working out three times a week and maintaining healthy eating habits is also a top priority of mine.
It’s getting real, folks. I can’t wait to see what the rest of my life has in store for me!
Have you experienced a life epiphany before, either personally, professionally, or spiritually?
I wonder if 36 is the magical age to start figuring life stuff out? I too am doing a lot of soul searching and personal insight as of late. Might I recommend studying Buddhism. Not changing religions, just read up on it, things like introductions to Buddhism. There’s a lot of good teachings there.
Health: I had my annual exam last week and my Dr. called with my results which were…my cholesterol was high and my weight and eating processed foods is the reason. So, I have started working out again myself. I’m not getting no younger, so the time is now to take care of myself.I will be 40yrs old in August so my plan is to lose 40 by 40
Personally: New Year, New Things, New Experiences
But in doing all of the about I will still stand by my mantra…Live~Love-Laugh
.I understand how you feel. I too just recently went through a similar situation. I’m starting to think that the age of 36 is the one where you learn about true and real relationships. I also believe it’s a year of the beginnings of fully discovering yourself. Another chapter in this wonderful journey of life.
Well im 28 but im starting to really feel the whole ‘you cant reach your goal destination if you’re not even walking in the right direction’ thing. I’m feeling like it time for me start really admitting and embracing what I want to do with my life and make steps to get there.
I experienced a life epiphany late last year. I was on the verge of getting back into a relationship that was familiar but unhealthy for me. I made the decision to love myself more and be completely honest with myself. I realized that I no longer loved this man and that I was gravitating towards him out of fear. I find that when I pray consistently and read the Bible things are revealed to me and I have a better sense of self.
I agree with you and forgiving your past and people is a great start. It gives you a sense of relief, clarity and helps your future clearly. My revelation is making myself a priority, and it started when I cut my hair. It was the beginning and I’m on a role now. Right now is the best time to make changes, not tomorrow.