Mornings can be a hectic time for moms. As the conductors of most morning routines in the household, it is up to us to make sure that everything is done and in order before we step out the house and the kids leave for school or daycare. Lunches have to be prepared, beds have to be made, notes have to be signed, and we still have to make sure that we are dressed and ready to conquer our day as well.
And as chaotic as all of this is, it can be a smooth process. I often feel quite lucky that my mornings are the least chaotic time in my house. That is because I have gotten our morning routine down to a science—the Virgo (and Type A personality) in me has to have order and organization. So I’ve created a foolproof morning method that has worked for my family for years and I want to share it with you.
Here are 8 Steps to an Organized & Happy Morning Routine for your entire family:
1. Prepare at night:
My morning routine is seamless because I do a lot of preparation at night. My daughter’s clothing (including undies, shoes, socks, accessories) are picked out and hung up the night before. Her lunch is also prepared and placed in her lunch box the night before as well. As much as you can do the night before, do it. This will take the guesswork and chaos out of your morning and make you and your family at ease during one of the most hectic times of the day.
2. Laundry day:
Sundays are self appointed laundry days for me. I do all of the laundry (clothing mostly—towels and other things are washed several times a week), and I also iron all of my daughters clothes while watching my Sunday night programs. Doing so allows me to pick out her outfits the night before, which free up my mornings. Everything is washed and cleaned and ironed. It’s a good feeling not to have to conquer that in the morning.
3. Charge and focus:
I have a makeshift charging station on our breakfast nook and all of my electronics go there. So in the morning, before I leave to an appointment or to take my daughter to school (we take turns), I grab my smartphone and tablet and in the purse they go. No looking for them throughout the house. The charging station is also next to my keys so it makes it easy breezy.
4. Check backpacks/school stuff beforehand:
Signing paperwork and checking homework in the evening also take a lot of the madness out of the morning rush. I have an in and out box in my home office and my daughter knows to put her homework and permission slips in the IN box for me to sign. Before she goes to bed, she checks the OUT box for her signed materials and puts it in her backpack.
5. Wake up to a clean room:
Having your child clean their rooms before bed also helps. Waking up to order and a clean room does a lot to set off your child’s day positively. In the morning, while my daughter is in the bathroom, I make her bed, and viola—the room looks great because it’s already clean.
6. Be a leader:
As the mom, you set the tone for the morning. When you are poised and organized, chances are your family will take stock of that and follow your lead. Having an organized morning will prepare them for a great day.
7. Ask for help:
You are not a one-woman army. Don’t be afraid to ask your spouse, partner, or kids for help. In the morning, it’s my daughter’s job to go around the living room and kitchen area and open all of the blinds. She also waters the plants and puts a snack in her backpack. By having her do these things (which make her feel responsible and a part of the well-oiled machine that is our family), it also gives her a role in the morning routine which she relishes.
8. Family calendar:
Have a family calendar located in a centralized place in your home with everyone’s activities, chores, etc. When everyone knows the schedule, it also prepares the day and makes it hassle-free.
These 8 Steps to an Organized & Happy Morning Routine have really helped my mornings be un-chaotic and worry free.
What are things that you do during your morning routine that make for an organized and happy routine?
Photo credit: MSN Living
I pick our and iron my clothes for the week on Sunday nights.
If I have time, I try to cook for more than one meal in the week or at least have the food prepped and seasoned for cooking.
I always have a bag packed of essentials for my little one.
We have a routine here as well, although we have this issue of over-sleeping every once in a while lol. The best thing is that if we all did our routine chores the night before, we tend to always make it to the bus stop even if we’re running late. One of my favorite things to do is to make breakfasts that can be a full meal but quick in the morning. Recently, I made a batch of breakfast sandwiches and froze them. I pull one out in the morning, nuke for 1 minute, and that’s breakfast for my 1st grader.
I am still working on my routine, but I agree that prepping the night before, setting items in bags by the door, helps a lot! I also like #6, so true!
What great advice! I’m always running around like a crazy person in the morning, so I will definitely be using some of these tips from now on.