I have been self reflecting the last few weeks. With my son graduating from high school and moving on to adulthood, I have been looking back on my life up to this point. I’ve made some decisions that have affected me for the good and the bad. When you are young, you think you have the world by a string, and everything is going to come up roses.
When you get older, you learn that sometimes, life stinks. So you progress.
I thought about what I would tell my younger self. What wisdom that I know now would I pass onto to the teenaged me?
Check out the video and see for yourself as I share what I would tell my younger self. I also share what others said in response to that very question that I posted on Twitter and Facebook.
What would you tell your younger self? What would you change?
I absolutely love your reader’s response of “Sex before 20 is a waste of time” ~LOVE it!!! (LOL) I believe that’s the perfect way to say it!! For me, I would raise that age and say maybe even 25 or more. 🙂
Thanks for commenting, girlie. I do believe that if I were to do it all over again, I would wait to marriage. I know that is something hard to do, especially in a sexually charged society, but that is one gift I would’ve like to have saved for that special day with the RIGHT person.
I love this vlog and what a great question! I can relate to your story of people calculating your age… I have a 23 year old. Born just after I turned 20. At 43, I have spent most of my life knowing myself as “mom” – I don’t regret it, but now am learning who I am outside of that.
There are a few things I would tell my younger self:
1. You deserve to stay a kid until it is time to go out into the world – don’t feel like you have to be a grown up at 15.
2. Learn how to dream. Realize that each day is a gift, but to always dream of what the next 1000 tomorrows could be.
3. Let yourself be happy in the moment. Don’t settle for less, yet find some contentment where you are.
4. Expect for yourself the mate that will be your partner in life, treat you with respect, support you in your goals and dreams, and always wish the best for you. (I found that he scond time around!)
Thanks for making me think this morning!
What a great vlog, Danyelle! I would tell myself:
1. Don’t rush to be an adult.
2. Money isn’t everything, but keeping your credit together is
3. Go to college while young,don’t wait until your older unless you are getting a second or third degree (I’m living proof)