I have a motto: When you stop learning, you stop growing.
I think no matter your age or educational background, you can continue to learn. Even if you are 8 or 80, learning is still an important process in personal growth. At the age of 37, I’ve found that I want to go back to school to take a few Marketing and Business Administration classes to help further my business and help me save money hiring out tasks that I could do myself if I knew how to. I was recently introduced to a website called Noodle.org that works as a fabulous educational resource for people of all ages who want to further their education.
Noodle.org is an educational search engine, the first of its kind. It’s a life-long online database of educational resources and tools that helps their users free of charge by matching them with recommendations for learning. You get unparalleled online assistance with educational information and interactive tools that help in various areas of interest and subjects. You can be five years of age or eighty five years old. No matter your age, Noodle.org will help match you with educational institutions in your area, or even abroad. Parents, school aged children, college students, etc. can benefit by utilizing this unique tool. And because it’s online, you have 24/7 access to recommendations, resources, and all of the things Noodle.org has to offer.
You can use Noodle.org to search for K-12 schools, colleges, study abroad programs, and graduate school options. Everything on Noodle.org is within your reach no matter your location. Users can also search for guidance counselors, educational consultants, and get this—have access to hundreds of thousands of free learning materials. Find schools, get help, learn online, and get connected to resources, tips, and tools, all with the touch of a few keys.
This is an amazing service because it helps you with you and your family’s educational needs.
Noodle.org features over 130,000 schools and many, many education providers. They use only credible sources and is the largest database of educational resources online.
I plan on using it myself to learn about Business Administration programs and online classes. Noodle.org does the work so we can compile the results and make decisions based on our individual and personal needs.
For more information, or to sign up for your free Noodle.org account, visit their website HERE. You can also check them out on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr social media pages.
With the answering of a few simple questions, you can be on your way to learning!
Disclaimer: TheCubicleChick.com received compensation for this post and review. The opinions are that of the author and are not indicative of the brand and/or company.
Great blog speaking about the Noodle.org a life-long learning database. Yes, online learning doesn’t have any age limit. One can earn the education at the age of 8 or 80. Yes, i found it beyond the geographical boundaries spreading the education. Thank you for sharing the blog.