It’s the first day of school!
Mums and Dads excitedly look forward to waving the kids goodbye while kids—well, most kids are excited about starting school. But then you may have some who may be stressed, overwhelmed and even, afraid of first day of school.
Today, let’s talk about easing first day of school jitters for kids and make it easy and stress-free for everyone:
1. Get Everything You Need Early
Start by taking the kids out school shopping or ordering school supplies online. Depending on how old your kids are, you can include them in choosing the backpacks, lunch bags and bottles. Getting them excited about taking their new school supplies to school helps get them used to the idea of school.
2. Go for a School Trip… to Visit the School
If you’re moving to a new school or a new area where the kids don’t have many friends at school already, you may want to make a trip to the school and take a tour so that the kids can get used to the building, experience the different facilities, read, playgrounds and just be more familiar with it.
Landing up on school day at a new school can be unnerving for many kids, so this extra step can really help ease things out.
3. Infuse School Excitement into Your Everyday
Talking about the activities, classes, sports they’ll be enjoying at school can help keep the kids excited and involved about heading back.
Whether it is chatting about the basketball they’ll get to play while you shoot hoops with them in the evening or share some of the great day trips they’ll be going to as you make dinner, including school talk in your everyday conversation will help them get excited about it and look forward to it.
4. Tips for the Night Before the First Day
Finally, make sure that D-Day goes off as smoothly as possible for everyone by prepping and readying everything you need the evening or night before.
- School uniforms and outfits laid out.
- Backpacks packed and placed near the entryway.
- Lunches packed or prepped for packing. Drink bottles filled and chilled or prepped and kept on the counter.
- Breakfast bowls or plates laid out on the table and breakfast prep done.
- Alarm clock set.
- If you’ll be dropping them off, make sure you have your outfit ready too.
Doing all of this may seem like extra work but it’ll save you a ton of stress in the morning when you wouldn’t have to hunt for a “most favorite peach colored sock” for the 4-year old. Yes, I know!
So, are YOU excited about the first day of school? What tips do YOU have to make it all easy for everyone?
Need more Back to School tips and tools? Check out The Cubicle Chick 2014 Back to School Guide!
P.S. Are you required to label your child’s school supplies? Mabel’s Labels Ultimate Back-to-School Combo makes it easy. Get yours now!
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Written by: Parenting Contributor, Prerna Malik
The children’s author Natasha Wing has written an awesome series of books for youngsters who are nervous about the beginning so school The Night Before Preschool, The Night Before Kindergarten and The Night Before First Grade. Also, check out Katie Davis’ wonderful “Kindergarten Rocks!” to get kids pumped for their kindergarten adventure.
We are in a weird position and decided to switch schools 2 week after classes resumed here in Atlanta.
I took my son to his new preschool to see what his class and teachers would be like.
I just hope he can adjust after being in one school for a year, then transitioning to a much larger environment.
I hope AJ is enjoying his new school. I know the adjustment period may take awhile, but I am sure he is going to thrive in his new school and surroundings. Good luck!