Disclosure: As a career writer and Work Life Management expert, I have partnered with Boise Paper to share this Office Depot Gift Card giveaway with my readers.
I am a Digital Debutante with the Internet as my baseline of communications and streams of income. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t use traditional items needed to run my business. One of those important items is paper. I do a lot of work remotely, but there are times when I need a good quality paper.
When electronic signatures aren’t an option, printing and signing contracts are crucial to keep everything running. I am also working on another book, and my editor requires both a printed copy as well as one via email. With something as important as contracts and books, I can’t just trust any paper. I need something dependable and reliable.
I’ve been partnering with Boise Paper for more than a year because their POLARIS Premium Paper is a must for my important documents.
Boise POLARIS Premium Paper is nice and strong, and not flimsy as with other papers in its class. You may remember last year when I took the Paper Quality Test between Boise and a leading brand. POLARIS won on all factors including packaging (easy to open and no roll up of paper), opacity, and brightness.
With so much on my schedule, reliability is key. When it comes to running my business and my printer needs, I trust Boise.
POLARIS Premium Paper is versatile and can handle most any job whether its legal documents, school homework, presentations, and even manuscripts! (book coming soon) It’s 99.99% jam free and has give back factor, as schools can earn Box Tops for every purchase.
From now until March 31, 2017, Office Depot is selling Boise POLARIS Premium Paper for $6 per ream. This offer is available in Office Depot stores and online. Click here to purchase: http://bit.ly/ODPOLARIS.
I’m also giving away a $25 gift card to Office Depot to use on paper, or any other items you need. To enter my Office Depot gift card giveaway, simply leave a comment below. Let me know what you most use paper for in your home.
Use a valid email address (or Facebook account) to leave your comment. One (1) U.S. winner will be selected at random. The giveaway will end Wednesday, March 1st at 7pm CST, and a winner will be selected within 24 hours. If the winner does not reply within 48 hours, another winner will be chosen.
Void where prohibited.
Good luck!
I use paper for printing out forms, unless my daughter is taking it to do artwork!
We use a lot of paper for my son because he likes to draw a lot
What a great giveaway!!! I love shopping at Office Depot, it is amazing how many office supplies you can go through with kids and running a home business!
That is an awesome giveaway. And yes, paper DOES matter. Big time. I can’t stand thing, wimpy paper. I like paper that has some thickness to it.
We use papers for homework, shopping + errands list and crafts.
Even in my “all digital” office, paper matters. I need to print drafts of my documents to proof-read and edit–and it’s easier for me to do it when I can write my comments on the paper as I am thinking them. Some correspondence just has to be on paper. I print receipts and certain other items for long trips, as it stinks to get to another city, have your phone and chargers depleted, and not remember which hotel/car rental/conference facility you’re scheduled for this week.
I use paper to make to-do lists, lots and lots of to-do lists!
I hate running out of printer paper! I should probably by a ream not that I am thinking of it!
For one, my favorite things to buy are office supplies. Since I was about 18, I loved stocking up and making sure my desk had supplies that I needed to function and be creative. Paper was definitely always in the mix of what is needed and still is. Especially notebooks. I love pretty notebooks.
What an awesome giveaway. I try not to print things out if I don’t have to, but when I do I like quality paper. I’ll have to check out POLARIS Premium Paper.
In this digital world, it is still important to have a paper. It’s still fun to do some writing and art on a paper. This is a great giveaway!
I print out lots of things for my son that have to do with his schooling. I also print coupons!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I use paper for printing out my kids homework and to print coupons. My kids use paper to make cards and crafts and we make grocery lists too.
I use paper, like you, for contracts with clients and brands.
Our son is very advanced for a 6-year-old, so I frequently find challenging puzzles and worksheets for him and print them out to keep him busy after school.
What a fun giveaway! We use a lot of papers my two boys would always love to draw
Agree, paper does matter. 🙂 We always shop at Office Depot for our paper. Thank you for sharing the deal. We’re almost out of paper so this is perfect.
Use a. Lot of paper printing legal documents
I use paper every day at my job and frequently at home as well.
I love Office Depot for all my home office needs and Boise paper is the best!
We use paper for homework, in particular math problems (oldest kid) and for works of art (younger kid).
We love paper for art projects. Both my girls love to write as well. You name it, it’s written!
Paper is currently on my daughter’s door forbidding anyone to enter until they donate $1 for a dog fund. Next to another note offering American Girl Doll room tours for $10.99.