September 3rd marks the day of my birth. And as of 2023, it also marks the date in which I turn 48 years old. While I am extremely happy and excited about turning a year older and blessed for the opportunity to do so, I am ready to move forward boldly.
Both 46 and 47 were interesting years for me. So many lessons, setbacks, comebacks, and resiliency were experienced, more so than any of the years I can recall in my 30s and earlier 40s. Life is supposed to get easier they say as you get older, but I think there were circumstances that I was put into, only because I had the strength to see my way to the other side.
Tests taken, tests aced.

During my 47th year, I moved my daughter to college in New York and became an empty nester. I jumped head first into the dating pool, which I am still swimming in with more possibilities than before. I took my mother to New York City and to Walt Disney World for the first time. I celebrated a year of employment at the non-profit I work for, I spoke at That’s What She Said, published 20 blog posts, and embraced my midlife like never before. It was a journey, a rebirth, and a chance for me to start over.
And now I am 48.
This year, I plan on marking more things off on my Bucket List, growing in my professional life, acquiring more skills, and stepping out for more date nights (aka, an actual serious relationship I may add). More travel, more memories, and shedding more of my skin as I get more comfortable with this less-edited version of me.

I am not scared of aging or getting older or the changes in my body that come with that. What I am scared of is not growing or evolving as a person. You could say that I am scared of being stagnant and stuck.
If I am to speak honestly, I’ve felt stuck a few times over the past year, and it has terrified me. I pray that during my next trip around the sun, I have fewer stuck and stagnant moments and more movement. More momentum.
So, please raise your glass or cup or whatever you have handy for my next year. May it be the best one yet. For you and me. For us all.
This is 48!

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