Guilty as charged! LOL. I am writing all the time, and it doesn’t stop when I am on the clock. I can honestly say I’ve never neglected my work duties in order to write or work on my blogs but I have indulged in opening the WordPress when it wasn’t my lunchtime.
I don’t really know how I feel about this. On one note, I know that if my boss knew I was blogging during work time, he would most certainly have my head on a platter for it is blatant disrespect for the current Internet policy for the company I work for. But on the other hand, I don’t feel too guilty about doing it. I don’t take breaks at all (as a salaried employee, I don’t feel the need to) and there have been plenty of times where I have worked through lunch or worked in the evenings when I am not “on the clock” in order to solve a problem or a situation.
Am I just trying to justify my blogging activities during work? Do you blog while on the clock? Let me know your thoughts!
I always blog at work. It’s where I have the most peace & quiet!
( u trying to get sued too? LOL)
I don’t work, so I don’t have this issue…but, I’m with the funky one…you a wild chick. LOL Girl, you’re tryna justify your addiction, “Oh, I drink a lot but I never fall down and I always buy my own…” LOLOL
I KID…girl, be careful though. *peeking round the cornas*
Girl, I'm at work RIGHT NOW! I'm laughing cause I feel like you caught me red handed. I'm so guilty of blogging at work. Sometimes I work on my posts, but most times I leave comments on other blogs…just like I'm doing now……And the bad thing is I am fully aware that my computer is being monitored. Let me get back to work.
I have definitely done this. If am idea comes to me during the day, or I didn’t have time to post the night before, I will definitely try to get it done during the workday. I don’t feel any kind of way about it. I’ve always believed that if you were only supposed to work during the day, the workday would be 4-5 hours long rather than 8-9+. Just as you have to make doctor’s appointments or call your kid’s school during the workday b/c there’s no other time to do it, sometimes you have to blog. I’m probably rationalizing, but it makes sense to me.