If you are anything like me, you’ve had your fair share of jobs. I began working at the age of fifteen and I have had seven eleven jobs since then! Currently, the career that I am in is perfect for me and my disposition and I feel so blessed and fortunate to have the position I have with the flexibility that my job entails. In any event, I wasn’t always so lucky. I’ve had jobs that the pressure was so intense and the work environment was so neurotic and dysfunctional, I never thought I would recover. But like with all things, we get through the madness and in the end, either leave or get fired in search of a new beginning. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t.
Such is life, right?
But thinking of all of my past jobs got me to thinking about the absolute worst job I ever had. And I also posed the question to my Twitter familia via my @TheCubicleChick account and I received some interesting answers:
@ms_july8th wrote: (My) worst job was Cracker Barrel. OMG! The nasty things that go on there behind the scenes. UNSANITARY!
@NicNacBeauty wrote: Payless (Shoe Source) in the hood of Chicago! Worst job EVER! Chicks alwaysssss wanted to fight over the BOGO’s (buy one get one free)
@afreshmusic wrote: …..the worse job I had was being a Canvasser downtown Chicago
What was my worst job? I can name two actually.
Job #1 was when I was 15 and living in Jacksonville. I worked for Burger King and I started out cleaning the bathrooms and dining room area and it was so repulsive. People are such slobs! I was then promoted to drive thru which wasn’t so bad but there were times I had to work the grill line and squeezing those greasy patties through the grill press made me realize that Burger King’s hamburgers were not all that. The process to get them to the table was not a good look. That was my first (and last) job in food service.
Job #2 was working in a tax resolution firm in 2006. Let me just say that the job itself wasn’t half bad and the money was wonderful BUT the conditions in which I worked in were poor at best. We as employees were degraded on a regular basis. The mind games played by the management to us peons was enough to drive some folk to drink! (and drinking some did!) There was so much drama and rumors and gossip, that infiltrated the office and most people got fired after a few months of working there. Endless meetings were conducted in which we discussed the goings on of this person and this person and this person and it was so damn stressful, I cried a few times (and I am not a cry baby by any means). It was just a horrible experience. I was let go because as an Associate, I failed to meet my goals, but it was the best thing that happened to me. I walked away and got another job a week later and it was all for the good.
So, readers, what’s the worst job you’ve ever had. Use the comment button and let me know. I am interested in reading your stories.
My worst job was when I worked a Learning Center (won't say who but u seen their commercials lol) and my boss thought I was her therapist or something everytime I got to work she had to tell all her problems all day long transferring all her bad energy and stress on me and issues she had with corporate and life. Once she was so stressed she fell out on the floor dramatically then made her nose bleed and etc. She was crazy I couldn't wait to get away from there!!!
Finding a good job can be pretty troublesome. Especially when you have high expectations.
Here are some tips that helped me land the job of my dreams:
* You need to have a professional written resume. If you are not an expert, you could consider hiring one.
* Take into consideration what skills do you have. You may have more choices if you consider additional job titles.
* Look for jobs in every possible source : internet, newspaper, radio and other media. Ask your friends that have similar jobs if there may be an opening in their company.
* You need to be proactive about this. Don’t just email them, make sure to call the HR department to have them confirm your resume.
Finding a job is pretty much a job in itself and it’s all about how well can you market your abilities.
My worst job was a temporary gig in which I was supposed to pick up trash and sweep around hundreds of tanks of mystery gas. It was supposed to be a one-day gig, but they asked us to return the next day, which I did not want to do. I called my employer and explained what kind of work we were doing, and she said it wasn't safe and we should not have been doing that kind of work in the first place!
Mmm I did telemarketing for a couple of months. Twice. Worked at Victoria’s Secret for 2 months. I think my worse was selling vacuum cleaners, for 2 months, lol. I was in college, and I missed classes to go to the stupid meetings. They were sooooo unnecessary. Every single day, the owner of that office played “Ain’t No Stopping Us Now” and made us get up and dance and sing. I started to hate it and it further deepened my hatred of sales jobs
I agree. I am not a good salesperson. Sales jobs are THE worst!
My personal worse job was when l was 18 years old working in a warehouse. My elder brother got the job for me. My assignment for each day was sweep the front of the store then the entire warehouse. ALL DAY SWEEPING. On a bone chilling , artic zone freezing cold Decemeber morning my brothers' Supervisor drove in while l was in front doing the usual. He arrived in a Black Corvette , double clicked his alarm looked at me with a huge smile and said Jonathan hurry up now you dont want to be doing this all day." Truer words were never spoken l quit the next day and went back to college full time…