As most of you are well aware, I simply adore our First Lady, Michelle Obama. Yesterday during a press conference regarding Haiti and America’s effort to assist the earthquake victims, Michelle stood next to President Obama sporting a new coif: a dynamic layered bob look.
Do you we like it guys?
I’ve been reading other sites who seem to think that Michelle got a big chop, but upon closer inspection, I can tell that it is a wig, a type of fall, that allows her hair to cover the top of the wig, making it blend seamlessly.
If you haven’t seen the pics, let me know what you think. Love it or leave it!?

For information on how you can help Haiti’s hurricane victims, please click HERE!
I like it. Full hair is sexy. Im one for big hair when done classy. Length looks nice on her face.
I think it's okay. I like her hair longer better, but that's just me, I like longer hair on almost everyone.
Our First Lady is so beautiful, she could shave her head and still look great though. I love having a strong, attractive, stylish, ladylike, intelligent First Lady. We are all so blessed to have her.
I prefer longer hair on her as well. Her real hair is so beautiful.
It looks like there is something hiding under there at the top of her head – a tad too much lift on top I think
That is the wiggy-ness I am afraid which makes it look like that. I am much fonder of her real hair longer look.
If it wasn't so poofy, I would really l like it. I love Michelle's style.
I'm not sure how I'm feeling about this hairdo just yet. I sorta like her original do best.
not into the wig thing. But I do like her.
I do LOVE the boots though! Also, they were at a memorial service or church? It's not a good picture of her (expression on her face) and I wonder if any of our opinions would change if the picture would have been taken when she was smiling/in a less serious environment?
I'm sure if it were a more fashion friendly spot, her look would've scored more points. That is a good point you made. They were coming from a press conference about the U.S. effort to help Haiti.