I really am disgusted that I missed the 4st Annual NAACP Image Awards on Friday. I was out and about running errands and forgot to set my DVR, which is such a travesty of justice because you know how I adore award shows and red carpet glamourosity!
Thanks to the web though, I could least visually indulge in the red carpet swag that took place Friday night. And as usual, below are my top 5 picks for Most Fab on the NAACP red carpet. For a list of winners for the night, click HERE!

Did you catch the 4st Annual NAACP Image Awards? What did you think of the show? What do you think of my 5 Most Fab on the red carpet? Comment below!
Photos used courtesy of WireImage/Getty Images
Beautiful photos. I was there last year and nothing compares to the event in person — so much excitement. Amazing. I was fortunate enough to have my book, GOING DOWN SOUTH nominated in the Literary Fiction category. The who scene was amazing. The ladies that you have photos of are just the beginning. Encourage everyone to go, if only once, to get a taste of how the other half looks!