As many of you know, I have been blogging about my weight loss journey. I am now on week seven and I’ve lost about sixteen pounds total. Most of the weight I have lost thus far I believe is water weight, but I am also losing inches which is making me look oh so nice in my clothes!
I find that grocery shopping and preparing my meals and meal planning has contributed to my success. I abhor grocery shopping, but I find that shopping every few days for meals keeps me from becoming overwhelmed. It also gets me active and makes me constantly look for sales and bargains. Here are a few tips to help you with your weight loss goals while grocery shopping. They have helped me tremendously.
- Shop While Full- Always go grocery shopping while you are full or have just eaten. You tend to buy more when you are hungry and you also tend to buy things that are not on your weight loss plan when you are in need of a meal. Also shopping after you have eaten will burn some calories!
- Have Fun- Find a grocery store that you like! I have fallen in love with Trader Joe’s and it makes my shopping experience so much better than those big name grocery stores. I don’t think I will ever be in love with grocery shopping, but the task is a little easier in a fun environment like Trader Joe’s and they offer plenty of foods that are low calorie and weight loss friendly.
- Make a List- Create a list and stick to it while shopping. Make a list based off your meal planning, and this will help you stick to the foods that are on your weight loss plan. Going into the store without a list or a plan just may cause you to overbuy and perhaps purchase things that are not positive for your weight loss.
- Coupon Clip- I have been clipping coupons the last few weeks, and not only have I saved money, but it has also allowed me to try foods that I wouldn’t have otherwise tried. Foods that are of course, within my weight loss plan. Coupon inserts also sometimes have recipes for meals you can try. It’s a win win!
- Look at the Nutritional Info- This is the most important thing to do on this list. There were foods that I ate before that I thought were low fat and healthy for me, and after reading the nutritional information, I found out that I was misinformed. Reading the nutritional information on the back of the item will allow you to know just exactly what you are putting in your body and will let you know if it’s in your meal plan. Watching the caloric intake, the percentage of carbs, sodium, etc, will allow you to be fully in charge of your diet and your success!
I hope these tips will help you as much as they have helped me so far. If you have any tips to add or want to discuss your current weight loss plan or goals, comment below!

congrats on your weight loss. but do you also workout? cause i hate it and i'm trying my best to loose weight
I have been working out somewhat but I am starting a new workout plan next week. I find it is easier for me to workout when I have a friend or a partner with me to endure the pain as well! Find a workout partner. 🙂