When I heard that Anthony Williams from season 7 of Project Runway would be in my city for a fabulous event at Macy’s, I had to attend. He was not only my favorite contestant of all time on PR, he seemed like someone who I could have a good time with! He is talented, captivating, and is simply the business, OKAY?
My wonderful friends over at Macy’s (Kiffen and Kamal) gave me the opportunity to do a one-on-one interview with Anthony, and I was very grateful! Before we got started the video, Anthony and I discussed old money versus new money (he told me he was schooled by his high school teacher in Alabama who taught him not to look like “new money), his life since he’s been on Project Runway, and his future plans. Anthony doesn’t have his fashion line out yet because he wants to have total control of his fashions and creations. I totally understand that, and I am sure the line will be worth the wait.
Catch the video and see what Anthony has to say about what he’s currently working on, who he is currently styling, and much much more!
Special thanks again to Kiffen and Kamal at Macy’s. Ya’ll rock my socks. Also to my friend, LaKesha at xdwebsolutions.com for being my videographer for the day.
He was one of my favorites as well & I’m so glad that he has had all of these wonderful opportunities come his way since Project Runway
Brandi, he was so much fun and I could’ve chatted with him all day. He is so easy to talk to and is hilarious!
Excellent interview! I would have been nervous interviewing Anthony. He seems so much like he did on Project Runway – very down to earth.
Thanks Robyn. I was very nervous when I first met him but he made me feel right at home and at ease. It was a great experience.
How fun! Great interview, I loved Anthony on Project Runway 🙂 What a great outlook, nice to see someone come off a reality show and be successful but also humble, smart, funny and seem to have their act together. So awesome he plugged your book as well! I’ll be looking for project-ant on Twitter! Thanks for sharing this with your readers.