Written by Kid Noble, Tech Dude, The Cubicle Chick.com Contributor
While Apple’s iPhone has remained consistent with a 3.5-inch screen, Android manufacturers keep pushing the boundaries with larger and wider phone screens. Android juggernaut Samsung just released their Galaxy Note via AT&T, which is a hybrid phone/tablet with a 5.3-inch screen, the first Android phone with a screen that large.
With screens growing with each new release, it begs the question, “How big is TOO big for a phone screen?” As screens get larger, the phones also get larger. This is definitely something to think about when considering how and to whom this phone will be marketed. Most mobile phone users enjoy the ability of using their device in one hand. Almost everyone does the “feel” test when purchasing a phone, i.e. “How does it feel in my hand?”
Once you get into the 4-4.5 inch size, you’re risking losing female customers who typically have smaller hands. They might find such a large phone, especially at 5 inches for the screen, as cumbersome. Males might also find this size of a phone as problematic at times as well. Unlike the many Cubicle Chicks out there, Tech Guys (often) don’t carry around an extra bag in which to place our phones. In this case, phones have to pass the pocket test. If a phone doesn’t fit comfortably in a pants or suit pocket, it can be problematic.
Another issue that consumers may encounter with the larger screen size is a reduced battery life. Although most of us have a love affair with our Android phones, battery life is admittedly one of the only negatives about the mobile platform. With an even larger screen, the phone requires more battery to power it. What kind of battery life will these 5-inch screens have?
While these large screens definitely aid in keeping us (and even our children) entertained, at what point is a screen/phone too big?
Do you plan on getting the Galaxy Note? How big is your current phone screen? Let us know!
YIKES!!! Yes, in my opinion that is HUGE!!! I don’t know if I could deal with that. It’s like always carrying a remote control. LOL
Sandra, I agree! But you know we live in the age of “bigger is better.” Even for a guy, putting that in a pocket takes up a LOT of room! I think 4.5 inches is plenty big for a phone screen.
That’s pretty big, I have an iPad, iPhone and sometimes I wish I could do everything on the iPhone, but it’s just too small and use it primarily as a phone & text now.
I have had several different android phones of different sizes, and I have an iPhone 4S as well as a Motorola Xoom Android tablet. At times I do with I could do everything on my phone, but at the same time having a tablet comes in handy for things I don’t necessarily feel like grabbing my computer for. Maybe this Galaxy Note is supposed to be an intermediary, but it just seems like a gimmick.
I don’t really like the note. I currently have the Galaxy S2 and I believe this is perfect. The Galaxy Note is an overkill. The only big thing they added is the stylus. That’s pretty much useless if you’re going to buy this phone not using it. Not much difference besides the 1 inch difference and the 2 ghz between the S2. I personally think its stupid and its a bit of an overkill. What’s next? The Galaxy Journal?
See I agree, the size of the Galaxy S2 is perfect. Plenty big enough for me. A friend recently told me that her coworker has the note, and it looks like he’s walking around with a tablet up to his head!
We saw some of those at Best Buy a couple days ago. They are big! But I think size is a matter of taste.
Does size matter? I think the main thing is whether or not it’s up to the job. It looks like it would perform well, but since it was tethered to a security cable, I was not able to check for proper fit.
I think some men would be pleased with the large size, but some women will find it to be just a little too much to handle.