When you travel away from your kids, you may experience a bit of mom guilt. Being away from your kids and putting them in the charge of your spouse, significant other, co-parent, or family member can make you feel like you aren’t a good mother. But when travel is a part of your career or business, it’s a given that you will probably spend some time away from your children during the year due to traveling.
I used to feel a twinge of mom guilt when I had to leave my kids, but since I travel at least once or twice a month, I had to develop a plan for us that eased the stress and guilt I felt as a mom when I traveled for work.
Here are 6 Ways To Ease Your Mom Guilt When Traveling:
Plan, Plan, Plan:
I don’t feel guilty when I travel because I know my kids are in good hands. And I have planned everything while I am away so that all usually goes smoothly, just like if I was there. I leave a Mommy Manual for my other half so that he knows specifics and times of when my daughter has activities. I also lay out and label all of her clothing and shoes (including socks and underwear) for the days I will be away. School lunches are also packed and ready and labeled.
Skype and Facetime are great ways to see your kids while you are out of town. They can interact with you and see you and this may ease their worries. My kids and I often Facetime while I am out of town, and I even virtually tuck my daughter into bed some nights.
Inform Teachers:
Before I travel, I notify my daughter’s teacher to let her know I am traveling. That way, she knows what is going on in my home and can discuss if with her if she’s having a bad day. Teachers like to know these things, I’ve been told, because it makes their job easier.
Let Go:
You aren’t perfect, and neither is your child. You have to understand when to let go, and know that even if things don’t run as as smoothly as you planned them, your child will be okay. And so will you. Try to enjoy yourself and have fun!
Leave Your Mark:
When I go on trips, I often leave a Lunchbox Note for her dad to put in her lunch, or a card to let her know that I am thinking about her. And if I have enough time, I mail her a letter before I leave, so she gets it while I am gone. She loves getting things in the mail.
Send Pictures:
When I travel, I often take photos of my surroundings and text them to her (via her dad’s phone). She loves seeing where I am and feels like she is a part of my trip. And of course, bringing a souvenir back is par for the course in my house.
If traveling is a part of your lifestyle or career, you shouldn’t feel guilty. I hope these tips help you ease that mom guilt when you are away.
Do you have any additional tips to share?
Great tips, Danyelle! I really needed this. Perfect timing!
Thanks for sharing this. I plan to do a lot more traveling in 2013.
I see a part-time nanny in my future too since our family has an alternate schedule.