For many of you, school is now back in session, and your mornings may be more hectic than ever. There is so much for you do; if you work, then you have to get yourself together and prepared for the workday and make sure the kiddies are ready for school and at the bus stop or dropped off at the proper time. It can be a lot of handle, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. There are ways that you can make your morning routine easy breezy by just tweaking a few items in your morning routine.
Here’s how:
1. Set the Tone
As the parent, it’s important for you to set the tone each and every morning. If you are running around in frantic mode, chances are, the rest of the family will be too. Make sure you lead my example while being calm, cool, and collected. Doing so will do wonders for your morning, and will make the rest of your day
2. Prepare at Night
Preparing as much as you can at night will make your mornings run like a well oiled machine. If your child isn’t old enough, pick out their clothing and accessories the night before. Have the items ironed and hung on the doorknob or closet ready for your child to put on. You can also pack your child’s lunch the night before as well, shaving some time off of your morning schedule.
3. In and Out Box
I recently purchased two plastic boxes for my office. One is titled IN and the other is titled OUT, and my daughter is responsible each day after school to put permission slips, forms, homework, and other items that I need to see and sign in the IN box. I sign and check her homework and then put it in the OUT box. She then is responsible for putting the items from the OUT box in her backpack. No looking for paperwork during the morning, or wondering where schoolwork is. Makes it super easy and hassle free and it also teaches my daughter responsibility.
4. Morning checklist
Having a morning checklist for your kids can make your mornings easier as well. Write up a checklist of morning items (make bed, brush teeth, etc.) and have your child use it to complete tasks. Then you don’t have to wonder if they’ve done what they are supposed have done in the morning, and you can focus on other things.
5. By the door or Mudroom
One of my pet peeves is looking for things. I deplore it. So at night, once homework is done and the IN and OUT boxes are checked, I make sure my daughter’s backpack, musical instrument, and any other items she is taking to school is by the door, ready for the next day. If you have a mudroom, this is perfect because as it gets colder, you can also place coats and boots in this area, which can make the mornings less chaotic. And no looking for stuff!
Your mornings don’t have to be manic. With the help of these tips, you can create happy and stress free mornings for you and your brood.
What are your morning routine tips?
This is all great advice – I especially love the idea of an in and out box (although I don’t have any kiddos just yet so no real need for now). A few years ago, I put a little bookcase near my door to keep my keys, purse and to charge my cellphones so that I’m good to go when I leave. Has helped tremendously! (Now if I can just clean out some of the junk that I stack there from time to time – mail, magazines, etc.)