I will admit that I am a lover of the Old School. My world as a kid was shaped a lot around what I saw on television as well as what was going on in real life. So when The Cosby Show hit the airwaves in 1984, that was the first time I saw a career woman portrayed on television that was truly on her A Game on all fronts. I think we all wanted to grow up to be like Clair. That’s why we studied hard. Made good grades and went to college. But as I look back closer at Clair Huxtable, I can say that she taught me five lessons about being a career woman.
1.No Matter How Well I Perform In The Office, I Still Need To Take Care Of Myself
Even Clair Huxtable had to work to maintain her figure. She always stayed on Cliff about his Hoagie sandwiches and snacks. She also had a weakness for guacamole and chips. No matter what, exercise and keeping fit are important. No matter how funny it is.
Clair Getting Her Exercise On.
2. I Can Be Assertive And Still Be Feminine
Remember when Clair put Elvin in his place about a cup of coffee? Or when she had to tackle the chauvinistic male panel discussing the Great Depression on that early morning TV show? Clair never raised her voice or used foul language. She simply used her brain. She knew who she was and confident that she didnít have anything to prove outside of what she already brought to the table. Iíve learned that the demonstration of my intellect will outweigh a rant any day.
Clair Schooling Elvin.
3. Having A Diverse Group Of Friends Is Empowering And Important
I loved the diversity of Clair’s sisterhood of friends. Clair and her friends showed me that women all have the same challenges of balancing home and family life. Confiding in one another and developing relationships are necessary to maintain balance and to aid you in ultimate success. You canít dismiss your tribe! It is importing to help one another achieve their goals in both career and in life.
Clair with her tribe.
4. As A Woman, I Have A Right To Make My Family A Priority
While we all were aware of Clair being a partner at a successful corporate law firm, she never dismissed the fact that she was a mother of five. She would always put always make time to discipline them with love and made sure that they had exactly what they needed. From cheering for Rudy (aka Sweet Feet) at her football game to putting a semi-rebellious Vanessa in check or caring for her Grandbabies Winnie and Nelson, Clair taught me that a career helps to provide the means to attend to those you love the most.
Clair Being An Old School Mom.
5. I Don’t Have To Be Perfect
How many of us have had this kind of day? You wake up late. You forgot to pack the kids lunch. You stub your toe. You get a stain on your outfit after picking up the baby. On and on and on. Well seeing Clair Huxtable have a similar type of breakdown is proof that I don’t have to be perfect as a career woman. Clair Huxtable certainly was not. But she had a great support system that loved her just for who she was. That’s the best lesson we all can learn.
Clair Having A Morning Where We Can All Relate.
What has Clair Huxtable taught you that you’ve carried into your life as a career woman? Leave a comment.
More about our Guest Blogger, Val:
Val Boaten is a lover of all things nostalgia. A true child of the 70s and 80s. You can find her reminiscing on her blog Children Of The Old School and on Twitter @theoldschoolkid . She also has a passion for social media and talks about it on her other site The KaiCon Group. she is also a wife and working mom/chauffeur of three boys (two tweens a very busy preschooler).
I really enjoyed reading this blog topic. Who didn’t love Claire? After searching throughout the years, I don’t think I could find one flaw. Not because she was perfect. But because she owned who she was, flaws and all.
Great twist ti a classic and well missed show and family.
Yes, we were very fortunate to see this portrayed on tv in our formative years. Now, we have to search high and low to see this type of lifestyle portrayed. Loved Claire, flaws and all. Appreciate your kind comment.
Well said Maisha!
I thoroughly enjoyed this article!
This is a great article because when I watched the Cosby Show it was really to see what Denise was going to do and wear. I was obsessed with her clothing on the show. I was just a teenager then. Now that I am a grown woman, I can identify with Clair and can really see her value more than just a loving wife and mother. This article was a welcome trip down that fun and uplifting memory lane!
This was such a great post! Claire was a wonderful depiction of a career woman, mother, and wife.
I love that she was successful, down to earth, and flawed. She didn’t get it right every time, she ran out of energy, but she operated in love with everything that she did.
Claire was also so classy and unabashedly smart. Loved her!
Who among us didn’t wanna be Claire? He represented the best of us. Thanks for the reminder.
I absolutely adore Clair, she really was the woman you wanted to grow into. The woman with the career, the loving family and the successful husband. … crossing my fingers that I’m on my way there!
I LOVE this post! Yes, Mrs. Huxtable was EVERYTHING. I loved when she would educate someone on the fact that she was “not the one”. It was always graceful and in a loving, not demeaning way. Great post, Val!
Thanks so much. And even when we miss the mark, we can still get our Clair on. Appreciate the comments.