This is a sensitive topic for me, but I thought it would do me some good to get it out in the open and discuss it via video log. I have been losing and gaining the same 25-40 lbs for the last 10 years and it’s time for me to finally lose the weight the smart and healthy way. I’ve already lost 12.5 lbs so far and there is no stopping me now!
Do you have issues with your weight? Do you have any good tips for me to keep it off this time? Watch the clip and comment please!
My 15 yr old son edited the video for me on his Mac Book! I am thinking about hiring him to do all my videos!
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: TheCubicleChick !
I too have lost and gained quickly and have learned a valuable lesson. I take it very slow. My goal is 4 lbs per month and it is so doable. Doing this I have lost 38 in 5 months which means each month I exceed my goal without even trying. I walk only for exercise and simply avoid sugar and simple carbs and without much effort it just falls off. The best part is that the areas I wanted to loose (waist, thigh) they are coming down nicely. At this pace, I will have met my 75lb goal by July just in time to work the swimsuit on the beach. 🙂 Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged. The scale has become my friend not my enemy. 🙂