Ah, the life of the cubicle. It usually involves a boss of some kind micromanaging or wielding their power over us as we slave away for corporate betterment. No matter what type of position we may have in our work lives, there is usually someone who we are accountable to and that is just the way it is.
October 16th is National Boss’s Day (insert applause here). There are many of you who may scoff at this national day of recognition, but there are also many who read this blog who actually like and appreciate your boss or manager. Whatever category you fall in, letting your boss know that you at least acknowledge their existence may be a good way to guarantee that raise or extra day off.
Swallow your pride Cubicle Chicks and Dudes and run out to your local Hallmark and invest $3.25 on a card to show your boss that you care. If you are in a giving mood, you could even include a handwritten poem bestowing a sonnet or two that is boss worthy.
You could even take them to lunch! Nothing fancy of course because you are not raking in the dough like your boss is. A nice quaint sandwich shop could be a good option, but if that doesn’t apply, then there is always the five dollar footlong.
Help celebrate this national institution that is Boss’s Day. And for one day, suck it up and actually act like you like them—at least until you clock out.
LOL. Great post! We celebrated our boss with flowers and LOTS of sweet treats! Happy Boss’s Day to all the bosses out there!
I am glad that you guys had a wonderful time celebrating your boss! And that your boss was worth celebrating! Sounded like a good time.