The following blog post is a personal introspective from my weight loss files and I try to do better by my body as well as my soul by eating healthier and exercising. Each week I will discuss my roadblocks and setbacks, triumphs and breakthroughs, and other random items as it relates to reaching my overall weight loss goal.
I am not ashamed of these curves.
I like my body. I love my breasts, my hips, my thighs. I especially love my thighs. I can honestly say that they are thicker than a Snicker without any jiggle—I have the thighs of a Serena Williams without working out. I’ve always had these powerful legs, ask my dad who used to play who is strongest by putting our feet together as we lay across the floor and try to bend the other one’s legs. I always bent his and he tried like the Dickens to bend mine.
I love my legs.
What I don’t love is my stomach—if I could change anything about my body, it would be that.
But I digress. This post is not about what I don’t love. It’s about what I appreciate about myself physically.
I have lost two pounds since I began my weight loss journey three weeks ago. Two pounds is not a lot. I really haven’t been trying as much as I should. Old habits die hard I guess. And I keep looking at myself in the mirror wondering why I can’t seem to lose more. I love myself despite the fact that I want to change. Losing 25-40 lbs will probably be one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. And yet, I want to do it. I want to be a healthier person on the inside and out.
But I do not want to lose these curves.
I love these curves.
I love my body.
Just wished it weighed less.
And looked better in those skinny jeans.
Even though he likes it.
And acts as if there is nothing wrong with it.
I want to do this for me and me alone.
Feel me?
I like this post. I really do! I think its empowering and we beat ourselves up over our flaws so much that sometimes we need a reminder to appreciate our bodies.
It really is important to acknowledge the things we appreciate while working on the things we want to change.
I love to hear women loving their curves!!!
I totally started my blog (hence the name) on loving my curves!!!
KUDOS to you 🙂
Hi Sandra. I checked out your blog and I love it. Consider me a new reader of your blog. You have lost a lot of weight and look fabulous!
Excellent work with your weight loss. You confidence is amazing.
Have you thought about supplementing your wonderful journey with a website the reminds you that you are beautiful all along the way?
google LoveTheseCurves. or click my link / name.
best of luck. keep it up.