Funny how time flies when you are having fun. And when you are building your empire one stone at a time, your days fly by like a whirlwind. Last week, I looked at the calendar and realized that I was going to be turning 36 in 7 days—it seemed as if I had just turned 30 only last year!
Making it over the 35 year old hump is interesting; I am not yet middle aged but I can no longer can blame my mistakes on the innocence of youth. Being grown and sexy means that I have to take things more seriously; leaving a legacy for my children and family is most important, which is why I am working so hard to bring my dreams to fruition.
Growing older not only means that I am growing wiser, but it also means coming into your own and really setting the stage that will be your middle to late years. What you do during this time matters more than ever before, so sweating the small stuff is no longer an option.
Sept.3rd is my birthday, but also the chance to be reborn into my future, and I am so thankful and happy to have made it this far. It is truly a blessing to not only be doing something that I love to do, but sharing it with those closest to me in life.
And today is not only the day I was born, but it also happens to be International Bacon Day. I am not a fan of bacon, but I am proud to be in such esteemed company—I know some people who will lie, cheat, and steal for a piece of some well cooked bacon!
Happy birthday to me! Eat some bacon! 🙂
Happy Happy Birthday! Have a great day!
Laila, thank you for birthday wishes and the comment. I LOVE your name (it also happens to be my 7 year old daughter’s name) 🙂
I hope you had a fantastic day.
Deb, thank you so much! I plan on having a rock star kind of day 🙂
Hope your birthday was a fun filled blast!!
Kim, thanks, chica! I had a fabulous, day. Blessed!
Happyy birthday girl! Birthdays are awesome. 🙂 And I had no idea that there was an International Bacon Day. I’m going to have to tell my son because we actually made up two “Bacon Day”s for each year. One is in February and the other is actually tomorrow. I forgot. Ooops. I hope he did, too. I keep hoping he’ll outgrow it but so far he hasn’t.
Danielle, yes, I see bacon day is a holiday everyday for a lot of people. I never got into bacon, though. I don’t know why. Thanks for commenting. Now I am going to mosey over to your blog.
Happy belated birthday!!!