My co-Dude Chris Miller and I are back with Episode 2 of my Work It Podcast. On the show, you may notice that he and I are in the groove as I have gotten the hang of this podcasting thing, and he is learning how to flow with my style. I hope that you guys enjoy the result.
This week’s podcast includes:
- a discussion about BlogHer; do’s and don’ts, past experiences, etc.
- how important are names when seeking employment (i.e. North West, Blue Ivy, etc.)
- Natural hair and other types of different hairstyles in the workplace
- Want to be a guest or suggest a topic for a future show? We give you deets on how to do so
Once again, I would like to thank Chris for being such an awesome co-host and show producer, for he is amazing at making all of this happen. He is available for podcast consults and has a full studio for all of your video/audio needs. Please check him and his Spiked Studio out! (click here for studio information).
You can always stream the episodes above, download or simply subscribe in iTunes to the Work It podcast. I’m really trying to grow the show, so your subscription on iTunes to Work It means a lot!
I would also like to start including guests on the show, so if you have a career/work, or current events related topic, or one that fits in with our theme, please email me at info @ to inquire about future guest spots. You do not have to be in the St. Louis area to be considered for a guest spot on the show.
Are you a small biz owner or entrepreneur who wants 30,000+ potential blog readers to know about your product or service? Buy an ad that can be broadcast during our podcast. Email me for more information at ads @ and put Podcast in the subject line.
I throughouly enjoyed your podcost. Not only did I enjoy it…it was great to still continue to work while I listen. You are awesome girl!! and dude 😉
I thoroughly enjoyed your podcost. Not only did I enjoy it…it was great to still continue to work while I listen. You are awesome girl!! and dude 😉
Aw, thanks for listening, Lala. I really value your opinion! I hope you tune in to our future podcasts. 🙂